MJ Operation
MJ オペレーション
Kamigori Cno
Wadaiko Experience
Find New Yourself! through Wadaiko.
Not only for making the skills..
Japanese Traditional Culture Wadaiko in Kamigori , it is in beautiful nature and historical village.
★Beginners Friendly , people from kids to senior can enjoy easlly!
over 12 years old.
Age at 6~11
実施日(Tour):火・水・金 ( Tue, Wed , Fri )
除外日(Black Out):年末年始(12月28日~1月4日) Year End and New Year, 28th Dec to 4th Jan.
当日の流れ ( Schedule )
①受付(上郡町鞍居ふるさと館 入口で受付をします)
①Reception at the entrance of Kurai Furusato-kan in Kamigori Cho.
②Exercise / Stretching or so.
③Wadaiko Experience , led by lecturer.
④Finish / play one song with all together at last.
最小受入人数/Minimum :1名 / 1 Pax
最大申込人数/Maximum:8名/ 8 Pax
参加年齢区分/ Age restriction:5歳未満はご参加いただけません。
Kids under 5 years old can not participate.
※12歳未満は保護者同伴が必要です/※Kids between 6 - 11 must be with their parents.
予約時必要情報/Book with:代表者名とご連絡先(メールと電話番号)Names , Contact info ( Mail and phone number )
取消料/ Cancellation rule:①20日前30% ②10日前50% ③7日前100%
①30% before 20D ②50% before 10D ③100% before 7D.
支払方法/Payment Method:オンラインクレジットカード決済のみ Online Credit Card payment only.
支払期日/ Payment Deadline:7日前 7 days before
予約最終受付/ Final Booking date:10日前 10 days before
含まれるもの/Inclusion:楽器・施設使用料 Instrument and facility fee
※会場までの交通費は含まれません。※ Transportation fee to the venue is not included.
現地言語対応/ Language:日本語のみ Japanese Only
現地集合、現地解散/Meeting Point:上郡町鞍居ふるさと館 (かみごおりちょう くらいふるさとかん)/ 兵庫県赤穂郡上郡町野桑1275-1 ※鞍居公民館 旧鞍居幼稚園 Kamigori cho Kurai Furusato-kan , Address 1275-1 , Nokuwa , Kamigori cho, Ako gun, Hyogo Pref.
所要時間/ Duration:80分 80mins
注意事項/ Note:
Please be participated with casual and easy clothes.
Bring your drinks by yourself.
Kamigori Cho
Wagashi from Sakelees
Casual Tea Ceremony Exp
Challenge Sake Manju Exp in former Saka brewery founded in Taisho Period!
★Enjoy communication with local people at Higashi-kura which makes people feel Taisho or Showa period.
★体験に加え、酒蔵跡の見学も可能!酒造りの歴史を感じられます。 ★We offer Saka Brewery inspection too! Guests can learn the history and feel those days.
★酒蔵跡での酒粕を使った饅頭づくりは、ここでしかできないレア体験です! ★Sake Lees Manju Experience is really rare and only here in Japan.
★Origami Exp is included too.
実施日(Tour):Whole Year
除外日(Black Out):月曜日(Monday)・火曜日(Tuesday)・お盆休(Japanese Obon Season )・年末年始 (Year End and New Year)
※In case of other booked event already set, we might not be able to accept .
当日の流れ ( Schedule )
①Reception in Higashi-Kura, please give your name or reserved name to receptionist.
②Start the Sake lees Manju and casual tea ceremony , led by the lecturer.
最小受入人数/Minimum :1名 / 1 Pax
最大申込人数/Maximum:10名/ 10 Pax
参加年齢区分/ Age restriction:5歳未満はご参加いただけません。
Kids under 5 years old can not participate.
※12歳未満は保護者同伴が必要です/※Kids between 6 - 11 must be with their parents.
予約時必要情報/Book with:代表者名とご連絡先(メールと電話番号)Names , Contact info ( Mail and phone number ) , アレルギーの有無 Allergy info in detail
取消料/ Cancellation rule:①20日前30% ②10日前50% ③7日前100%
①30% before 20D ②50% before 10D ③100% before 7D.
支払方法/Payment Method:オンラインクレジットカード決済のみ Online Credit Card payment only.
支払期日/ Payment Deadline:7日前 7 days before
予約最終受付/ Final Booking date:10日前 10 days before
含まれるもの/Inclusion:体験料( Experience fee ),ガイド料(Guiding fee),講師料( Lecturer),保険料 (Insurance)
※会場までの交通費は含まれません。※ Transportation fee to the venue is not included.
現地言語対応/ Language:日本語・英語 Japanese And English
現地集合、現地解散/Meeting Point:ギャラリーひがし蔵 Gallery Higashi-kura,
825 Kamigori, Kamigori cho, Akaho gun, Hyogo Pref.
所要時間/ Duration:60分 60mins
注意事項/ Note:
Sake Lees include Wheats , Sake Lees . Please notify us if guests have the allergy.
Sake lees might include an alcohol slightly , please avoid eating if you have some restriction or allergy for alcohol.