MJ Operation
MJ オペレーション
Tottori City
Love Knot Charm Walk,
Rabbit 3-Steps-Jump-Don at the famous local restaurant!
「The Hare of Inaba」
A tour that guests walk on rabbits legend story! Walk along the Sea of Japan , Shirousagi Shrine and Shirousagi Hill etc.
At the last , eat Yummy Kaisendon !
★縁結びで人気の白兎神社など白うさぎにちなんだスポットを巡る! ★Visit many spots concern with White Rabbits , Shirousagi Shrine etc !
★Challenge Marriage Tie Activity at Shirousagi Rabbit .
★Learn the legend story of 「 The Hare of Inaba」 from local guide.
★Spectacular Point 「Shirousagi Hill」, enjoy the Sea of Japan , and Tottori Desert !
★天然いけすで有名な“ぎんりん亭”でうさぎの三段跳び丼に舌鼓 ★Eat famous lunch dish 「Rabbit 3 Steps - Jump-Don」at famous restaurant Ginrin tei which use wild-caught fish only.
実施日(Tour):4月~11月の月曜日~水曜日 ※祝祭日除く / Mon to Wed between April to November
除外日(Black Out):12月~3月及び4月~11月の木曜日~日曜日、祝・祭日
Dec to Mar / Thu to Sun between April to November , Sunday, Holiday, etc
①道の駅神話の里白うさぎ情報コーナー集合・受付 10:00~ 現地に到着後、予約された方のお名前をガイドにお伝えください
①Reception at Michinoeki Shirousagi Info Corner (10:00) Please tell your booked name.
②Departure at Michinoeki , guests will have an legend story of Inbano Shirousagi and Mitarashiike pond at Shirousagi Shrine.
③Pray at Shirousagi Shrine , shopping Omamori, Goshuin or Musubi ishito etc.
④Walk Shirousagi Hill and pray for 'En' by throwing coins. After then, enjoy the Sea of Japan .
⑤海岸線ルートで淤岐の島の解説を聞きながら白兎道の駅へ戻り2階のぎんりん亭へ。特製ランチをお楽しみいただきます(約1時間) ランチレストランにご案内後、解散となります。(日本語ガイドと通訳案内士終了)
⑤Backing to Michinoeki over a guidance of Okinoshima legend story . Then go up to 2nd floor for lunch. Enjoy the special lunch dish.
最小受入人数/Minimum :2名 /2 Pax
最大申込人数/Maximum:8名/ 8 Pax
参加年齢区分/ Age restriction:7歳以上は、ご参加できます。Guests at age over 7 can participate.
※12歳未満は保護者同伴が必要です/※Kids under Age 12 must be with their parents.
予約時必要情報/Book with:代表者名とご連絡先(メールと電話番号)Names , Contact info ( Mail and phone number ),
取消料/ Cancellation rule:①20日前30% ②10日前50% ③7日前100%
①30% before 20D ②50% before 10D ③100% before 7D.
支払方法/Payment Method:オンラインクレジットカード決済のみ Online Credit Card payment only.
支払期日/ Payment Deadline:7日前 7 days before
予約最終受付/ Final Booking date:10日前 10 days before
含まれるもの/ガイド料金、オリジナルコイン1枚、食事代、通訳案内士(英語または中国語) Guiding Fee, Original Coin 1 , Lunch meal , Licensed Guide ( English or Chinese )
現地言語対応/ Language:日本語/Japanese 、英語/ English 、中国語(台湾)/ Chinese (Taiwan)
現地集合、現地解散/Meeting Point: 道の駅神話の里白うさぎ情報コーナー
鳥取県鳥取市白兎613 (℡:0857-59-6700)
Michino eki Shinwa no sato Shirousagi Info Corner
Address : 613 Shirousagi Tottori City, Tottori Pref. ( TEL 0857-59-6700)
所要時間/ Duration:120分 120mins
注意事項/ Note:
In case of cancellation due to the natural disaster or war or any
No raincoat or umbrellas , please bring by yourself in rainy day.
For Shopping Goshuin, Omamori, Omikuji or any goods in shrine, cash only accepted, ・JR末恒駅から集合場所(白兎道の駅)への車両送迎オプション(片道)ご希望の場合はJR末恒駅到着予定時刻を回答欄に記載ください。
If guests need a paid transfer from JR Suetsune Station to Michinoeki Shirousagi , please let us know the arrival time at JR Suetsune station in advance.
We do not accept any allergy or religious food restriction. Please be noted.