MJ Operation
MJ オペレーション
Toyooka City
Special Dinner by local food in Kannabe Kogen!
Star Watching with a star sommelier
In the calm nature, guests can enjoy Local Vegetables and Brand Tango beef, and venison.
After dinner, we will have a special Star watching with a star sommelier'.
★All foods provided are grown here in this area.
And , of course , all dish are hand-made .
★Usually people live in the big city can not experience this calm and beautiful night sky, guests can be satisfied with such beautiful stars with a star sommelier
2名の場合 49.000円/人
3名の場合 43.000円/人
4名の場合 40.000円/人
5名の場合 38.000円/人
2PAX 49.000JPY/P
3PAX 43.000JPY/P
4PAX 40.000JPY/P
5PAX 38.000JPY/P
実施日(Tour):3/1~12/24 every year
除外日(Black Out):休前日・冬季シーズン期間・12/25~2/末, お盆期間 8/10~8/16
Sat or day before noliday, 25th of Dec to the end of Feb , 10th of Aug to 16th of Aug
当日の流れ ( Schedule )
① 神鍋高原ペンションスノウランドチェクイン
① Check - in Kannabe Kogen Pension
② 夕食時間まで自由散策
② Free time until dinner
③ 18:00~夕食
③ 18:00~Dinner
④ 20:00~星ソムリエによる星空観察
④ 20:00~ Star Watching with a star sommelier
⑤ 天体望遠鏡を使って実際の星空を鑑賞
⑤ Star Watching through Astrometric telescope
最小受入人数/Minimum :2名 / 2 Pax
最大申込人数/Maximum:5名/ 5 Pax
参加年齢区分/ Age restriction:特になし
予約時必要情報/Book with:代表者名とご連絡先(メールと電話番号)Names , Contact info ( Mail and phone number ), アレルギー情報 、Allergy Info , Food restriction etc
取消料/ Cancellation rule:①30日前100%
①100% before 30D.
支払方法/Payment Method:オンラインクレジットカード決済のみ Online Credit Card payment only.
支払期日/ Payment Deadline:25 日前 25 days before
予約最終受付/ Final Booking date:30日前 10 days before
含まれるもの/ 宿泊費用1泊2食(Pension Stay,2 meals ), 星空観賞費用(Star Watching), 英語ガイド費用( English Guide ), ソムリエによる説明( Explanation from Sommelier )
現地言語対応/ Language:英語 English
現地集合、現地解散/Meeting Point: 神鍋ペンションスノーランド (Kaminabe Pension Snowland)
Address : 113-1 Hidakacho Yamata, Toyooka, Hyogo 669-5377
所要時間/ Duration:120分 120mins for Star watching
注意事項/ Note:
In case of bad weather, we will show Star Planetarium in the pension. No refundable product.
Toyooka City
Touring with EV mobility along GEO PARK plateau of Sanin Seaside
Easy Driving for beginners !
Let's Enjoy the Natures in the Kannabe Kogen by EV mobility.
★For all seasons , we can enjoy different faces of Kannabe Kogen Resort. We can drive along the amazing natures by EV mobility.
2 Course options
①Drive to Kaminabe Volcano Crator
②Drive to Hattan Waterfall which creates the beautiful emerald green lake.
2名の場合 35,000円/人
3名の場合 33,000円/人
4名の場合 28,000円/人
2PAX 35.000JPY/P
3PAX 33.000JPY/P
4PAX 28.000JPY/P
実施日(Tour):3/1~11/30 every year
除外日(Black Out):12/1~2/末(降雪時期により変更あり)
1st of Dec to end of Feb, it might change following snow situation.
当日の流れ ( Schedule )
① 10.:00 道の駅神鍋高原駐車場で練習
① 10:00 Gather at Michinoeki Kannabe Kogen Parking lot , and practice.
② 10:30 案内ガイドの誘導で散策へ
② 10:30 Start Driving with guide
③ 11:30 道の駅神鍋高原で終了
③ 11:30 Finish at Michino eki Kannabe Kogen
最小受入人数/Minimum :2名 / 2 Pax
最大申込人数/Maximum:4 名/ 4 Pax
参加年齢区分/ Age restriction:18歳未満は保護者同伴が必要です。
Guests under the age of 18 , either of parents must participate together.
予約時必要情報/Book with:代表者名とご連絡先(メールと電話番号)Names , Contact info ( Mail and phone number ), 国際免許証 ( International Driving License)
取消料/ Cancellation rule:①20日前30% ②10日前50% ③7日前100%
①30% before 20D ②50% before 10D ③100% before 7D.
支払方法/Payment Method:オンラインクレジットカード決済のみ Online Credit Card payment only.
支払期日/ Payment Deadline:7日前 7 days before
予約最終受付/ Final Booking date:10日前 10 days before
含まれるもの/ EVモビリティレンタル費用(EV mobility rental fee) , 案内ガイド費用( Guiding fee), 英語ガイド費用 ( English Guide )
現地言語対応/ Language:英語 English
現地集合、現地解散/Meeting Point: 道の駅神鍋高原 (Michino eki Kannabe Kogen)
Address : 59-13 Hidakacho Kurisuno, Toyooka, Hyogo 669-5372
所要時間/ Duration:90分 90mins
※EV TUKTUK , Boarding maximum pax is 3P , ( Age over 12 age )
※Need an International Driving license for this experience
※We drive on the non-toll-road .
※For safety , we might change the plan or courses or cancelled due to the natural situation.